Hello friends and family, my sister has finally suckered me into this whole blogging world. I will do my best to keep up with current articles and pictures. My sister Maria and her husband Rod and son Caden came in on Friday and are with us until Tuesday. We have been having a great time visiting and playing with the boys. The boys have been quite the handful these past few days, they tend to fight more than they enjoy playing together. Cole is really into pretend playing and knows exactly how he wants things played out. Caden on the other hand is a bit more lax and enjoys wrecking Cole's creations and doesn't quite get the "pretend play". They have had a few good moments, but for the most part, Maria and I have been at a constant battle of time out's and lot of crying. We both have headaches! I was able to crack open a few beers to relax myself, Maria on the other hand, had a regular Pepsi! Here are a few pictures of Cole and Caden playing with the kites we bought them, Cole's was Spiderman and Caden's was the Cars. They really enjoyed playing with them.
How exciting!!! I cant believe how big Finn is getting.